The upper left is for speed functions, the upper right for cadence functions and the lower half for time, distance, max and average speed and lap funtions. The large,1 inch by 1 1/8 inch (2.54 cm by 2.90 cm) screen is divided into three sections.No-tools, high powered speed magnet fits bladed and round wire spokes. Adjustable handlebar mount fits normal and oversized bars up to 32 mm in diameter.
An obstacle free transmission path is NOT required. The computer head should be placed at least 20cm (4 inches) away from the transmitter but no more than 100cm (40 inches) away.The arrow on the upper left hand corner of the transmitter must point towards the handlebar mounted computer. The distance between the notches is 2.75 inches (7cm) and is NOT adjustable. Both notches are marked by red arrows in the above photo. A spoke mounted magnet must pass by the notch on the rear arm. A crank arm magnet must pass by the notch on the forward arm.

The transmitter unit can be placed anywhere along the top of your left chainstay.The arms pivot and are adjustable towards or away from your crank arm or rear wheel. The black arms on the transmitter are sensors and pick up signals via two magnets one zip-tied to your crank arm and another magnet mounted on a rear wheel spoke.Will not work on bicycles that have pivoting chainstays or bicycles that do not allow the pedal or crank arm to overlap the rear tire.Designed for road bicycles but will work fine with almost any traditonal frame bicycle.The handlebar unit is pictured above to your left and the chainstay mounted transmitter is to your right. A user friendly, single transmitter collects information from your rear wheel and crank and sends it to a handlebar mounted computer.The display can be set to miles per hour also. The computer pictured above shows a current speed of 36.8 kilometers per hour, a cadence of 111 rpms, a time of 1:43 and 45 seconds, and a total distance ridden of 35.79 kilometers.