These purplish blue gems are also excellent at balancing the nervous system and working with the pituitary and pineal glands too. From soothing sore throats to clearing tonsillitis and laryngitis, indigo stones keep the throat smooth and sound so you can speak your truth. Indigo is connected to the throat chakra, which means these stones are a dab hand at helping ease any physical ailments you hold in the throat and the mouth. Take a look at the healing elements to be found stashed in the serene shades of indigo gemstones… Physical Healing They want to awaken depth, because with depth comes knowledge, answers, and the opportunity to approach life from a balanced perspective. They take us deeper into our sense of self and aren’t interested in shallow readings of life. These are gems of truth, honesty, wisdom, and the wonder of sincere living. To find out more about how gemstones can guide you home to the body, mind, and soul – take a look at our essential guide to healing crystals.

Deep and potent indigo gems help to reveal tricks and mistruths, along with guiding us towards spiritual mastery and morality. They are seers and truth tellers and help to shine a light on whatever is sitting beneath the surface. Darker indigo stones lean more heavily into the idea of honesty and illumination. They are about pure and humble emotions such as gratitude, virtue, dignity, and humility too. Light or pale indigo gems will bring the energy of connection. There are different shades of indigo and each brings its own unique energy with it. If you are drawn to these midnight to dawn shaded stones, it could be because you are craving a sense of direction and to forge a trusting bond with your own beautiful heart. Virtuous in nature and with a heavy emphasis on knowledge, Indigo stones tend to be a rarer gemstone. These gems connect to the throat and the third eye, they facilitate communication and swerve confrontation. Indigo gemstones are soaked in a sense of sublime tranquility. Together, these complementary forces help you to avoid falling off track and help to keep you safe from energies that would bring you harm.

Indigo brings together the trust of the blue ray and the intuitive strength of the purple ray. All of this energy is essential for those who are on the path to a higher sense of being. A soft marriage of purple meets blue, indigo is a color of introspection, awareness, and quiet contemplation.